Post by kammy on Sept 2, 2009 10:33:21 GMT -5
Hi Kammy I am doing allright under the circumstances. Sitting her with my jaw to the floor. Oh that picture The army worm critter it is so sickenly familiar looking. I just want to say I think your doing an awesome job at connecting the dots here. My brain feels a little fuzzy right now. But WOW . Thank you, Blownaway... I needed a boost. I was so angry...!... mad...! how could they let that 'critter' get into our bodies? This is so stupid... ! and... the NIH's response about their 'BV Policy'? The way I understand it, BA... is they are using the DNA, and who knows what part, if it's ground up, or whatever, to make this BV sphere with?... but, I can tell you... I think it's more than that. We've all had those black hairs come out of our lesions or scalps!! And few things like that worm attached or coming out of our skins... and those horrible lesions that won't heal... somebody needs to be...
Post by imblownaway on Sept 2, 2009 10:39:59 GMT -5
someone needs to be planted alive in a crop of GM vegtables.
Post by kammy on Sept 2, 2009 10:56:43 GMT -5
lol... nah... worse than that! BA... ;D
Post by fritolay66 on Sept 2, 2009 14:28:43 GMT -5
Hows about being fed a "robust" diet of GMO vegies and fruit with some agrobacterium pesticide treatment,.....and oh, irradiated and sprayed further for "safety".... Apologies, needed a bit of a vent....
Post by ibzahp on Sept 2, 2009 16:09:56 GMT -5
somebody needs to be fed some downer cows loaded w/prions, antibiotics and hormones along with all the previous things...
Post by lilsissy on Sept 2, 2009 16:56:09 GMT -5
They are the sphere capsid baculovirus that contain the GM fungus gnat or shore fly.
I will get you a link in a minute to some great photos of joesj had on here of these GNATS?
Post by jeany on Sept 2, 2009 21:12:57 GMT -5
Hey folks..long time no see..lol..I wanted to join in and add my two cents worth... Here's another aspect to consider. Baculoviruses are 'used' in vaccines such as for Malaria..or the Avian Bird Flu, Hepatitis B and INFLUENZA! iai.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/IAI.01226-08v1www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TD4-3W9DGR6-7&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=998804894&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=2c1a835ad21c68892e625bf4d993bd89What I've found quite interesting is, the sporozite mentioned in this article which causes Malaria is a pre-erythrocytic parasite..ergo a parasite that 'attacks' the red blood cells. Malaria is an insect transmitted disease. Also Lyme Disease. AND Morgellons Disease as we have researched? Is this the connection? Insect, Baculovirus, Vaccine? And Carnicom is also talking about red blood cells and Kammy is showing us the baculovirus? Is that what we are seeing? Here is also an interesting site: www.ehponline.org/members/1995/103-7-8/meetingreport.htmlThe first baculovirus-produced human vaccine, based on the immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein gp160, began human clinical trials in 1987. Since that time, immunogens produced in insect cells from baculovirus vectors have been tested as prophylactic vaccines against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), malaria, respiratory syncytial virus, and influenza, and as therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of AIDS and cancer. How many of you have ever become the 'flu-shot'? Jeany
Post by jeany on Sept 2, 2009 21:30:39 GMT -5
And to add to Kammy's research about the Rota Virus and it's relationship to Baculovirus which shows that is also used as a vaccine for Rota Virus here's a link: www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=250256I also researched that the CD 8+ T cells are an indicator of infection. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CD8Another titer to indicate virus infections is CD 4 T Cell: aids.about.com/od/newlydiagnosed/qt/cd4.htm * CD4 Cells - These cells have molecules called CD4 on its surface. These "helper" cells initiate the body's response to invading micro-organisms such as viruses. * CD8 Cells - These types of T-cells have a molecule called CD8 on their surface. CD8 cells destroy cells that have been infected with foreign invading micro-organisms. CD8 cells also produce antiviral substances (antibodies) that help fight off the foreign invader. So..from what I understand here is in order to indicate if we are infected with this virus these titers should show abnormalities. Jeany
Post by jeany on Sept 2, 2009 21:34:49 GMT -5
Another test to indicate Rota Viruses is ELISA: www.brown.edu/Courses/Bio_160/Projects2004/rotavirus/Pathology.htmAnother study showed that enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is an effective method for detecting rotavirus-specific antibodies, especially in current or recently acquired infections. High levels of rotavirus-specific IgM and IgA were present in patients' stools one day after the onset of disease, and remained so for about ten days, even after virus shedding was no longer observed. While ELISA is a sensitive means of detection, it is not a reasonable method after day 10 post-infection when antibody levels in the stool drop. ELISA has several advantages. It can be performed in-house without previous treatment of the sample, and it costs less than RT-PCR. ELISA was found to be as effective as RT-PCR, which is generally considered the standard in virus detection. It was estimated that ELISA required 106 rotavirus particles per milliliter, RT-PCR required 104, and PAGE required 1011. Thus, there are several methods available for the detection and diagnosis of rotavirus. RT-PCR is generally considered the gold standard in detection, but ELISA, EIA, and EM provide sufficiently sensitive alternatives. Jeany
Post by jeany on Sept 2, 2009 22:01:35 GMT -5
Baculovirus in Swine Flu Vaccine! www.european-hospital.com/topics/article/6154.htmlInsect cells and baculovirus The use of baculovirus and insect cell technology has proved an attractive option for many vaccine producers, and scientists are working to progress with every potential development. In the USA, on the manufacturing side, the active ingredients of all vaccines produced by the Protein Sciences Corporation, for example, are recombinant proteins manufactured using its patented protein expression technology that is based on baculovirus and insect cell technology.
The firm’s PanBlok, a seasonal recombinant trivalent influenza vaccine, consists of influenza haemagglutin (HA) proteins and is being manufactured for a potential pandemic swine flu.
PanBlok is highly purified so does not require the use of thimerosal or antibiotics and is low in endotoxins. The company expects the vaccine to receive FDA approval in time for the 2009/2010 influenza season. Jeany
Post by lilsissy on Sept 2, 2009 22:54:52 GMT -5
too much connection here,
Oh poop!
Insect cell technology yes I heard it would be involved in the swine flu vaccine also heard a new polymer too.
These to keep popping up hand and hand in different applications.
Kammy and jeany really have something here, Run for the hills Jen
Post by kammy on Sept 3, 2009 0:04:00 GMT -5
They are the sphere capsid baculovirus that contain the GM fungus gnat or shore fly. I will get you a link in a minute to some great photos of joesj had on here of these GNATS? jen It is the polyhedra, ('rock' and 'spaceship') and the shell capsids that house the GM fungus gnat or fly. I need some art software that would allow me to draw the life-cycle of this, which I don't have. I could do something crude with Paint, I guess?
Post by kammy on Sept 3, 2009 0:19:40 GMT -5
Hi Jeany, thanks for joining us. We need you!
You mentioned, there's an Elisa blood test for Baculovirus, and to our get blood titers checked for CD4 and CD8 T-cell function.
And some past flu and other vaccines and the present and upcoming Swine Flu vaccine contain baculovirus expressions? Oh boy!... I'm apparently full of BV already... no thank you, I'll pass!
Post by kammy on Sept 3, 2009 0:32:14 GMT -5
Kammy and jeany really have something here, Run for the hills Jen Which 'hill' is that? lol...
Post by kammy on Sept 3, 2009 5:19:52 GMT -5
Let's look at Carnicom again @ www.carnicom.com/culture4.htmCarnicom's photos at 600x: Kammy's photos at 100x: my-stuff-dot-com.com/My Stuff/Personal1/Morgellons313/My Photos 212/Other/Other/08_29_271.jpg[/img] my-stuff-dot-com.com/My Stuff/Personal1/Morgellons313/My Photos 212/Other/Other/08_29_211.jpg[/img] my-stuff-dot-com.com/My Stuff/Personal1/Morgellons313/My Photos 212/Other/Other/08_29_301.jpg[/img] I've got a match to Carnicom again. Once again he is using much more magnification than I am, I can explain this - my objects/capsids were cultured for 21 days, they grew in size. He does not say how long his 'objects' were cultured. Carnicom does not know what he's seeing, once again. If anyone knows him, can you put him in touch with me, I'd be glad to tell him what I did in this experiment? I do not know him nor how to exactly reach him. In an earlier photo by Carnicom on the same page: Quote by Carnicom: "It is not expected that erythrocytes in any natural arrangement would display this type of alignment. At the lower right of the photograph may be evidence of a filament or vestiges of a filament." I can explain and have already shown and stated what he's seeing above. My photo below is on a filament also. This 'filament' is believed by me to be what the Morgellons fiber is made of in its entirety or this filament is the foundation for the fibers. my-stuff-dot-com.com/My Stuff/Personal1/Morgellons313/My Photos 212/Other/Other/08_15_551.jpg[/img] my-stuff-dot-com.com/My Stuff/Personal1/Morgellons313/My Photos 212/Other/Other/08_15_171.jpg[/img]
Post by kammy on Sept 3, 2009 14:33:39 GMT -5
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Posts: 63
Post by vasue on Sept 3, 2009 15:57:36 GMT -5
Looks like using insects & bugs (indeed anything) as nurseries for virus & such is already old hat. Now it's just a question of how many "creative" combos can be found. Thank you, Kammy, for for all your work! SWINE FLU VACCINE HINGES ON RAPID DEVELOPMENT Genetically Engineered Armyworms For Vaccine! "And at least some of the vaccine may be made using technologies, and species, never before employed in the United States - including caterpillars. "It's called the fall armyworm," said Daniel Adams, CEO of a small biotech company in Meriden, Conn., called Protein Sciences Inc. "It appears in the fall in your backyard; it's a green, furry thing." Most important, it's expected to save lives. Thanks to the worm, and a virus that turns it into green goo, Adams' small biotech firm recently won a $35 million federal contract that calls for it to produce 50 million doses within six months. The worm virus has been genetically engineered to possess some of the swine flu genetic material. That modified virus infects the worm-ovary cells, reprogramming them to churn out flu proteins. Those flu proteins are collected, purified and combined with salt water to make the shots." Full article here: tinyurl.com/no4r67
Post by kammy on Sept 3, 2009 16:27:05 GMT -5
TY, Vasue, it's been a lot of hard work... That's an interesting article... I hope this green, goo, worm virus can eat some fungus gnats while it's at it? Wait a minute now... we've got that fallarmy worm ovary cells in us from this... is it going to give us the flu? What happened to Ozzie and Harriet?... Dobie Gillis... Lassie...? (*sigh)... I can see next year's Petri Dishes... full of green goo...
Post by lilsissy on Sept 4, 2009 0:34:59 GMT -5
you are not going to believe this crap The picture from the patio looked like neural cells , quite a bit like them that was freaky I thought and just for the heck of it I goggled baculovirus and neural cells. well now look at this, www.freepatentsonline.com/y2009/0055941.html
Post by lilsissy on Sept 4, 2009 0:48:37 GMT -5